Pot Blomster Browallia urteagtige plante egenskaber
klik billedet for at forstørre
blomst farve: mørkeblå www.odla.nu |
blomst farve: hvid www.dkimages.com |
blomst farve: lilla www.elicriso.it |
blomst farve: lyseblå www.eplante.ro |
Pot Blomster Browallia egenskaber
type stamceller | snigende |
blomst farve | lyseblå, mørkeblå, lilla, hvid |
timingen af blomstring | sommer |
type pot blomst | urteagtige plante |
duftende blomster | ingen duft |
kendt for at være giftige | ikke giftig plante |
blad farve | lysegrøn |
plantehøjde (cm) | lavere 30 cm |
bladform | oval |
hvileperiode | ingen |
stigende kompleksitet | fordringsløs |
hyppigheden af vanding | moderat |
luftfugtighed | fugtig |
Placeringen af solen | lyse omgivende lys |
placering af anlæg | øst vindue, vestlige vindue |
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Indendørs planter Browallia urteagtige plante Blomst egenskaber, foto og pleje, plantning og voksende.
4,15 € |
9,95 € (39,80 € / Liter) |
6,14 € |
13,90 € (5,56 € / KG) |
5,70 € (7,92 € / l) |
20,99 € (17,49 € / KG) |
19,90 € |
4,29 € (1,07 € / l) |
20,57 € |
12,89 € (9,15 € / kg) |
5,49 € |
5,21 € (10,42 € / l) |
$8.97 Indoor Plant Food - All-Purpose Fertilizer (Liquid Alternative) - Best for Houseplants Indoors + Common Home Outdoor Plants in Pots (5 oz) | |
$19.99 Premium Orchid Food Fertilizer Spray by Houseplant Resource Center - Grow Beautiful and Exotic Orchids with Ease - Ready-to-Use Custom NPK Ratio is The Perfectly Balanced Orchid Food and Won't Burn | |
$9.95 ($1.24 / Fl Oz) Jessi Mae Indoor Plant Food Liquid Fertilizer, 1-1-1 NPK House Plant Fertilizer for Snake Plants, Peace Lilies and Pothos Plant, All Purpose Plant Food for Houseplants and Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree (8 oz) | |
$10.19 Bayer Advanced Insect Control Plus Fertilizer Plant Spike 8-11-5 Spike | |
$16.21 SunGro Black Gold Indoor Natural and Organic Orchid Potting Soil Fertilizer Mix for House Plants, 8 Quart Bag | |
$24.99 Dr. Joe Water Soluble Fertilizer PlantFood Bundle | Flowers, Vegetables, and House Plants(Growing Booster &Nutrients) | Pack of 4 -14 Fizzing Tablets for Indoor & Outdoor Garden Potted Houseplants |
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