colorful gardens (monochrome gardens)
white august
Garden Flowers
Floss Flower
Visnaga. Khella. Bishop's Weed, Toothpickweed
Winged everlasting
Pearl everlasting
Cape Daisy, Monarch of the Veldt
Sea thrift
China Aster
Jade tree
Wax Begonia, Tuberous Begonia
Grass of Parnassis, Bog Star
Water Calla
Bolton's Aster, White Doll's Daisy, False Aster, False Chamomile
Valerian, Garden Heliotrope
Swamp milkweed, Maypops, Rose Milkweed, Red Milkweed
Gooseneck Loosestrife
Lysimachia ephemerum
European Frogbit
Berg Lily, Summer Hyacinth, Cape Hyacinth
Strawflowers, Paper Daisy
Helichrysum perrenial
Gilia, Bird's Eyes
Gypsophila aretioides
Atlasflower, Farewell-to-Spring, Godetia
Globe Amaranth
Giant Fleeceflower, White Fleece Flower, White Dragon
Giant Knotweed
Cape Marigold, African Daisy
Moon Carrot
Zaluzianskya, Night Phlox
Pipsissewa, Prince's Pine, Ground Holly
Silene alpestris
Calla Lily, Arum Lily
Curled Tansy, Curly Tansy, Double Tansy, Fern-leaf Tansy, Fernleaf Golden Buttons, Silver Tansy
Flowering Cabbage, Ornamental Kale, Collard, Curly kale
Giant Lily
Carolina Sea Lavender
Wood Sorrel, Whitsun Flower, Green Snob, Sleeping Beauty
Spider Flower, Spider Legs, Grandfather's Whiskers
Cathedral Bells, Cup and saucer plant, Cup and saucer vine
Campanula, Bellflower
Stemless carline
Coriander, Cilantro, Chinese Parsley
Florist's Cineraria
Everlasting, Immortelle, Strawflower, Paper Daisy, Everlasting Daisy
Annual Mallow, Rose Mallow, Royal Mallow, Regal Mallow
Lewisia, Cliff Maids, Siskiyou Lewisia, Siskiyou Bitterroot
Garden Stock
Venus' Looking Glass
Scarlet Flax, Red Flax, Flowering Flax
Lion's ear, Lion's Tail, Wild Dagga
False Baby Stars
Martagon Lily, Common Turk's Cap Lily
Oriental Lily
Large-flowered Phlox, Mountain Phlox, California Phlox
Moonflower, Moon Vine, Giant White Moonflower
Cymbalaria, Kenilworth Ivy, Climbing Sailor, Ivy-leaved Toad Flax
Sweet Marjoram, Knotted Marjoram
Plume Poppy, Bocconia
Himalayan blue poppy
Seaside Daisy, Beach Aster, Flebane
Mexican Daisy, Santa Barbara Daisy, Dancing Daisy, Latin American Fleabane, Seaside Daisy
Four O'Clock, Marvel of Peru
Scarlet Monardella, Hummingbird Coyote Mint
Irish Moss, Pearlwort, Scottish or Scotch Moss
Cape Jewels
Nemophila, Baby Blue-eyes
Ox-eye daisy, Shasta daisy, Field Daisy, Marguerite, Moon Daisy
Cup Flower
Water Celery, Water Parsley, Water Dropwort
Minoan Lace, White Lace Flower
Showy Stonecrop
Eastern Penstemon, Hairy Beardtongue
Sweet Pea
Painted Daisy, Golden Feather, Golden Feverfew
Balloon Flower, Chinese Bellflower
Sun Plant, Portulaca, Rose Moss
Purple Joe Pye weed, Sweet Joe Pye Weed
Chamomile Lawn, Roman Chamomile
Streamside Lupin
Mignonette Seward, Reseda odorata
German Chamomile, Scented Mayweed
Clary Sage, Painted Sage, Horminum Sage
Lavender Cotton, Holy Herb, Ground Cypress, Petite Cypress, Green Santolina
Sida hermaphrodita, Rusby, Virginia fanpetals
Ring Bellflower
Scabiosa, Pincushion Flower
Edging Lobelia, Annual Lobelia, Trailing Lobelia
Hawaii Arrowhead, Japanese Arrowhead
Poor Man's Orchid, Butterfly Flower
Water Aloe, Water Soldier, Crab's Claw
Tiger Flower, Mexican Shell Flower
Garden Thyme, English Thyme, Common Thyme
Clown Flower, Wishbone Flower
Virginia Spiderwort, Lady's Tears
Yarrow, Milfoil, Staunchweed, Sanguinary, Thousandleaf, Soldier's Woundwort
Morning Glory, Blue Dawn Flower
Viola, Pansy
Obedient plant, False Dragonhead
Garden Phlox
Honeysuckle Fuchsia
Alpine Bluets, Mountain Bluets, Quaker Ladies
Florists Mum, Pot Mum
Sow Bread, Hardy Cyclamen
Bugbane, Fairy Candles
False Hellebore
Sweet Pea, Everlasting Pea
White Water Buttercup
Prairie Gentian, Lisianthus, Texas Bluebell
Coneflower, Eastern Coneflower
Wild Balsam-apple, Wild Cucumber
Adam's needle, Spoonleaf Yucca, Needle-Palm
Ialian Aster
Swan River daisy
Dianthus, China Pinks
Water lily
Meadowsweet, Dropwort
Agastache, Hybrid Anise Hyssop, Mexican Mint
Bellis daisy, English Daisy, Lawn Daisy, Bruisewort
Snow Poppy, Chinese Bloodroot
Floating Heart, Water Fringe, Yellow Water Snowflake
Evening primrose
African Daisy, Cape Daisy
Potato Vine Sydney, Blue Potato Bush, Paraguay Nightshade, Blue Lycianthes
Egyptian star flower, Egyptian Star Cluster
Big Betony
Cornflower Aster, Stokes Aster
Day Flower, Spiderwort, Widows Tears
Horned Pansy, Horned Violet
Persian Violet, German Violet
Twining Snapdragon, Creeping Gloxinia
Spiny bear's breeches
Amberboa, sweet sultan
Astilbe, False Goat's Beard, Fanal
Patience Plant, Balsam, Jewel Weed, Busy Lizzie
Wax Begonias
Jovibarba, Hens and chickens houseleek
Jupiter's Beard, Keys to Heaven, Red Valerian
Knapweed, Star Thistle, Cornflower
Sweet rocket, Dame's Rocket
Culver's Root, Bowman's Root, Black Root
Sweet William
Heliotrope, Cherry pie plant
Paper Daisy, Sunray
Diascia, Twinspur
Angel's fishing rod, Fairy Wand, Wandflower
Livingstone Daisy
Angel's trumpet, Devil's Trumpet, Horn of Plenty, Downy Thorn Apple
Exotic Bur Reed
Clarkia, Garland Flower, Mountain Garland
Campanula, Bellflower
Wallflower, Cheiranthus
Cape Daisy, Monarch of the Veldt
Checkerbloom, Miniature Hollyhock, Prairie Mallow, Checker Mallow
Annual Phlox, Drummond's Phlox
Crown Windfower, Grecian Windflower, Poppy Anemone
Sweet Alyssum, Sweet Alison, Seaside Lobularia
Bush Violet, Sapphire Flower
White Buttercup, Pale Evening Primrose
Scarlet Sage, Scarlet Salvia, Red Sage, Red Salvia
Flowering Tobacco
Black eye Susan
Stout Blue-eyed Grass, Blue eye-grass
Petunia Fortunia
Bacopa (Sutera)
Self-Heal, Selfheal, Heal All
Rock rose
Abyssinian Gladiolus, Peacock Orchid, Fragrant Gladiolus, Sword Lily
Cape Fuchsia
Ruby Glow Hyacinth Bean
Rose Periwinkle, Cayenne Jasmine, Madagascar Periwinkle, Old Maid, Vinca
Ground Morning Glory, Bush Morning Glory, Silverbush
California Poppy
Alstroemeria, Peruvian Lily, Lily of the Incas
Tanacetum parthenium
Ice Plant
Fairy Fan Flower
Water plantain
Japanese Anemone
Butterfly Pea
Hedge hyssop
Lily of the Nile, African Lily
Snowcup, Spurred Anoda, Wild Cotton
Angelonia Serena, Summer Snapdragon
Sego Lily, Tolmie's Star Tulip, Hairy Pussy Ears
Snapdragon, Weasel's Snout
Mexican Coral Vine, Coral Creeper, Honolulu Creeper, Corallita, Chinese Love Vine
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Flowering Shrubs and Trees
White Forsythia, Korean Abelia
Japanese angelica tree
Spindle tree
Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac
Buttonbush, Honey Bells, Honeyball, Button Willow
Tamarisk, Athel tree, Salt Cedar
Irish Heath, St. Dabeoc's Heath
Blackberry, Bramble
Sweet pepper bush, Summersweet
Californian Lilac
Cinquefoil, Shrubby Cinquefoil
Purple-flowering raspberry, Thimbleberry
Beach Rose
Polyantha rose
Grandiflora rose
Rose Ground Cover
Hybrid Tea Rose
Red Barked Dogwood, Red Twig Dogwood, Tatarian Dogwood
Bridal's Veil, Spiraea, Steeplebush
Mountain Heather
Smooth Hydrangea, Wild Hydrangea, Sevenbark
Panicle Hydrangea, Tree Hydrangea
Climbing Hydrangea
Crape Myrtle, Crepe Myrtle
Rock rose, Sun Rose
Golden Dew Drop, Sky Flower, Pigeon Berry
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Garden Plants (Ornamental Grasses)
Heuchera, Coral flower, Coral Bells, Alumroot
Dunce's Caps
Poinsettia, Noche Buena, , Christmas flower
Flowering Cabbage, Ornamental Kale, Collard, Cole
Dead nettle, Spotted Dead Nettle
Polka dot plant, Freckle Face
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Garden Plants and Flowering Shrubs and Trees, Pot Flowers and Indoor plants.
catalog and photo, growing and planting, care and characteristics.
2024-2025 © seedlings and seed; landscape design.