Vrtne Cvjetovi Sneezewort, Sneezeweed, Brideflower, Achillea ptarmica karakteristike

Latinski naziv: Achillea ptarmica

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Vrtne Cvjetovi Sneezewort, Sneezeweed, Brideflower, Achillea ptarmica foto, karakteristike bijela
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Vrtne Cvjetovi Sneezewort, Sneezeweed, Brideflower, Achillea ptarmica foto, karakteristike bijela
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Vrtne Cvjetovi Sneezewort, Sneezeweed, Brideflower, Achillea ptarmica foto, karakteristike bijela
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Vrtne Cvjetovi Sneezewort, Sneezeweed, Brideflower (Achillea ptarmica) karakteristike

vrijeme životavišegodišnji
tip stablauspravan
veličina cvijetamale
visina biljke (cm)od 30 do 70 cm
miris cvijećaima miris
boja cvijetabijela
vrijeme cvjetanjasrpanj, lipanj
zaraznostne otrovna biljka/ne toksična biljka


zona hladnoće otpora3 (od -40 do -34oC), 4 (od -34 do -29oC), 5 (od -29 do -23oC), 6 (od -23 do -18oC), 7 (od -18 do -12oC), 8 (od -12 do -7oC), 9 (od -7 do -1oC), 10 (od -1 do +4oC)
otpornost na mrazotporan na mraz
sklonište za zimune zahtijeva sklonište


korištenje biljaka u pejzažnom dizajnusuhocvijet (dry flowers), cvjetni aleja, ivičnjak
aranžman u odnosu na suncesunce


kiselost tlaneutralno
vlažnost tlasuho, umjereno
tip tlapješčana ilovača, ilovača
metoda rastućebezrassadnoj (no seedlings)

*Neke karakteristike su relevantne za umjerenu klimu

katalog: Vrtne Cvjetovi

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Vrtne Cvjetovi Sneezewort, Sneezeweed, Brideflower (Achillea ptarmica) karakteristike, foto i briga, sadnja i uzgoj.

16,55 €

1,90 €

19,95 €

9,00 €

6,95 € (139,00 € / kg)

5,50 € (5,50 € / stück)

5,99 € (59,90 € / KG)

15,95 € (7,98 € / stück)

12,99 € (0,93 € / stück)

1,99 € (0,02 € / stück)

8,99 € (0,36 € / quadratmeter)

1,99 € (0,02 € / stück)
$10.97 ($0.00 / Count) NatureZ Edge Marigold Seeds Mix, Over 5600 Seeds, Marigold Seeds for Planting Outdoors, Dainty Marietta, Petite French, Sparky French, and More
$5.99 Sow Right Seeds - Large Full-Color Packet of Mixed Sunflower Seed to Plant - Non-GMO Heirloom - Instructions for Planting - Wonderful Gardening Gift (1)
$24.99 Mixed Gladiolus Flower Bulbs - 50 Bulbs Assorted Colors
$12.98 Iron Cross Shamrock Bulbs - 10 Bulbs to Plant - Iron Cross Shamrocks - Fast Growing Year Round Color Indoors or Outdoors - Oxalis Shamrock Bulbs - Ships from Iowa, Made in USA
$9.99 ($0.00 / Count) Outsidepride Irish Moss Ground Cover Plant Seed - 10000 Seeds
$5.99 1,000+ Pansy Seeds- Swiss Giants Mix Flower Seeds (Bulk) Hardy Annual by Ohio Heirloom Seeds


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