Sobne Rastline Pellonia, Zamujala Lubenica Trta, Pellionia značilnosti, fotografija in nega, pristanek in rast >

Sobne Rastline Pellonia, Zamujala Lubenica Trta, Pellionia značilnosti

angleščina ime: Pellonia, Trailing Watermelon Vine

latinsko ime: Pellionia

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Sobne Rastline Pellonia, Zamujala Lubenica Trta, Pellionia fotografija, značilnosti pestro
barva listov: pestro
Sobne Rastline Pellonia, Zamujala Lubenica Trta, Pellionia fotografija, značilnosti pestro
barva listov: pestro

Sobne Rastline Pellonia, Zamujala Lubenica Trta (Pellionia) značilnosti

barva listovpestro
višina rastline (cm)od 30 do 50 cm
tip steblaplazeči
tip rastline (Sobne rastline)ampelnye
oblika listovovalna
strupenostne strupna rastlina/ne toksična rastlina


obdobje mirušt
težavnost pridelavesrednje težko


vlažnost zrakamokra
pogostost zalivanjapogosto


lokacija sobne rastlinesvetla soba, severno okno
zahtevana osvetlitevodporna na senco, polsenca, svetla svetloba

katalog: Sobne Rastline

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Sobne Rastline Pellonia, Zamujala Lubenica Trta (Pellionia) značilnosti, fotografija in nega, pristanek in rast.

6,58 €

14,95 € (29,90 € / l)

11,99 €

6,99 € (0,17 € / Stk)

13,95 € (0,70 € / l)

6,99 € (13,98 € / l)

6,86 €

11,99 €

6,99 € (13,98 € / Liter)

12,89 € (9,15 € / kg)

6,92 € (17,30 € / l)

8,49 € (6,53 € / l)
$10.99 Indoor Plant Food (Slow-Release Pellets) All-purpose House Plant Fertilizer | Common Houseplant Fertilizers for Potted Planting Soil | by Aquatic Arts
$24.99 AlgoPlus for Houseplants - Perfectly Balanced Liquid Fertilizer for Healthier, More Robust, Indoor Plants - 1L Bottle w/ Measuring Cup
$16.23 Plants for Pets Live Bromeliad Plant, Cryptanthus Bivittatus Bromeliads, Potted Houseplants with Planter Pot, Perennial Plants for Home Décor or Outdoor Garden, Fully Rooted in Potting Soil
$17.16 Jobes Houseplant Food Spikes (3)
$19.99 Noot Organic Indoor Plant Soilless Potting Mix Coconut Coir Perlite Pre-Hydrated Root Stimulant Mycorrhizae Fertilizer. Houseplant, Aroid, Succulent, Monstera, Orchid, Fiddle Leaf Fig, Cactus. 1 Gal.
$22.99 Espoma 8 Ounce Concentrated Organic Indoor Plant Food - Indoor Plant Fertilizer For Large & Small Plants Like Pothos, Fiddle Leaf Fig, Monstera, Snake & Palms - Pack of 3


barva listov:


Vrtne Rastline in Cvetoče grmičevje in drevesa, Sobne cvetje in Sobne Rastline.
katalog in fotografija, rast in pristanek, nega in značilnosti.
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Vrtno Cvetje, Vrtne Rastline