Garden Flowers
cold hardiness zone: 4 (-34 to -29°C)
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Big Betony
Telekia, Yellow Oxeye, Heartleaf Oxeye
Water Aloe, Water Soldier, Crab's Claw
False Lupine, Lanceleaf Thermopsis
Garden Thyme, English Thyme, Common Thyme
Townsendia, Easter Daisy
Virginia Spiderwort, Lady's Tears
Trillium, Wakerobin, Tri Flower, Birthroot
Water Violet
Yarrow, Milfoil, Staunchweed, Sanguinary, Thousandleaf, Soldier's Woundwort
Large merrybells, Large Bellwort
Viola, Pansy
Chinese Lantern Plant, Strawberry Ground Cherry
Obedient plant, False Dragonhead
Garden Phlox
Creeping Phlox, Moss Phlox
Globe flower
Crossflower, Purple Mustard, Blue Mustard, Common Bluemustard, Musk Mustard, Beanpodded Mustard, Tenella Mustard
Dragons Mouth
Alpine Bluets, Mountain Bluets, Quaker Ladies
Florists Mum, Pot Mum
Goldenstar, Green-and-gold
Giant scabious
Bugbane, Fairy Candles
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Garden Plants and Flowering Shrubs and Trees, Pot Flowers and Indoor plants.
catalog and photo, growing and planting, care and characteristics.
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