Garden Plants Plagiogyria ferns characteristics

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Garden Plants Plagiogyria ferns photo, characteristics green
flower color: green

Garden Plants Plagiogyria characteristics

life spanperennial
type of stemerect
type of fern or grassferns
grass or fern height (cm)70-100 cm
plant colorgreen
known to be toxicnot poisonous plant


landscape usemass planting, border, specimen
sun exposurefull shade, semi-shade


cold hardiness zone4 (-34 to -29°c), 5 (-29 to -23°c), 6 (-23 to -18°c), 7 (-18 to -12°c), 8 (-12 to -7°c)
frost resistancefrost resistance
shelter in wintershelter is not required


soil acidityneutral soil
water needsmoderate
soil typeloamy soil

*Some characteristics are relevant for a temperate climate

catalog: Ornamental Grasses

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Garden Plants Plagiogyria ferns characteristics, photo and care, planting and growing.

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Garden Plants and Flowering Shrubs and Trees, Pot Flowers and Indoor plants.
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