Garden Flowers

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Water hyacinth

Persian Violet, German Violet


Spanish Bluebell, Wood Hyacinth

Marsh Helleborine, Swamp Epipactis

Winter aconite

Fairy Foxglove


Oregon Sunshine, Woolly Sunflower, Woolly Daisy

Arctic Forget-me-not, Alpine forget-me-not

Mian Shen

Bush Daisy, Green Euryops

Prairie Gentian, Lisianthus, Texas Bluebell

Coneflower, Eastern Coneflower

Wild Balsam-apple, Wild Cucumber

California Poppy

Adam's needle, Spoonleaf Yucca, Needle-Palm

Kidney Vetch, Lady's Fingers

Puncturevine, Caltrop, Goat's Head, Bullhead, Maltese Cross

Alpine Penny-cress


Lamium, Dead Nettle

Yellow hawkweed, Fox and Cubs, Orange Hawkweed, Devil's Paintbrush, Grim-the-Collier, Red Daisy

Snow Poppy, Chinese Bloodroot


Hardy Ice Plant

Day Flower, Spiderwort, Widows Tears

Crown Windfower, Grecian Windflower, Poppy Anemone

False Blue Flax

Mouse Plant, Mousetail Plant
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Garden Flowers, Ornamental Shrubs and Trees
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Garden Flowers, Garden Plants